Telematics Industry Reports

2025-26 U.S. Mobile Resource Management Systems Market Study, 8th Edition

2025-26 U.S. Mobile Resource Management Systems Market Study, 8th Edition

C.J. Driscoll & Associates has released a comprehensive new report on the U.S. market for Mobile Resource Management (MRM) systems, also referred as Commercial Telematics. This report provides in-depth information on each major commercial telematics market segment, including the markets for vehicle-installed GPS fleet management and dashcam solutions. It also covers the market for supply chain visibility platforms, commercial insurance telematics, and field service management solutions. In addition, the study examines the markets for monitoring mobile assets, including trailers and heavy equipment.

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Survey of Fleet Operator Interest in MRM Systems and Services 2023-24 Edition

Survey of Fleet Operator Interest in MRM Systems and Services
2023-24 Edition

C.J. Driscoll & Associates has released a new multi-client marketing research study covering interest of U.S. fleet operators in Mobile Resource Management systems and services. The 2023-24 Survey of Fleet Operator Interest in MRM Systems and Services assesses fleet operator interest in GPS fleet and asset management systems, video-based driver behavior management systems, and solutions for managing mobile workers equipped with handsets or other portable devices. The study also assesses use and satisfaction with MRM solutions among large and small fleets in a wide range of categories.

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2021-22 U.S. Mobile Resource Management Systems Market Study, 7th Edition

2021-22 U.S. Mobile Resource Management Systems Market Study, 7th Edition

C.J. Driscoll & Associates has released a comprehensive new report on the U.S. market for Mobile Resource Management (MRM) systems. This report provides in-depth information on each major MRM market segment, including the markets for vehicle-installed GPS fleet management and video/driver behavior monitoring solutions. It also covers the market for supply chain visibility platforms, commercial insurance telematics, and field service management solutions. In addition, the study examines the markets for monitoring mobile assets, including trailers and heavy equipment.

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2019-20 Survey of U.S. Trucking Fleet Operator Interest in MRM Systems and Services

2019-20 Survey of U.S. Trucking Fleet Operator Interest in MRM Systems and Services

C.J. Driscoll & Associates has released a new multi-client marketing research study covering interest of U.S. trucking fleet operators in a wide range of telematics systems and services. The 2019-20 Survey of Trucking Fleet Operator Interest in MRM Systems and Services assesses trucking fleet operator use of AOBRDs and ELDs, along with plans and concerns about transitioning to ELDs. The study also quantifies trucking operator use and satisfaction with video camera-based solutions and plans to equip trucks with video cameras going forward. Other topics include GPS fleet management systems, smart trailer solutions, predictive analytics, data analytics, data security, and freight matching services.

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Survey of Fleet Operator Interest in MRM Systems and Services 2017-18 Edition

Survey of Fleet Operator Interest in MRM Systems and Services
2017-18 Edition

C.J. Driscoll & Associates has released a new multi-client marketing research study covering interest of U.S. fleet operators in Mobile Resource Management systems and services. The 2017-18 Survey of Fleet Operator Interest in MRM Systems and Services assesses fleet operator interest in GPS fleet and asset management systems, video-based driver behavior management systems, and solutions for managing mobile workers equipped with handsets or other portable devices. The study also assesses use and satisfaction with MRM solutions among large and small fleets in a wide range of categories.

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2016-17 Mexican Telematics Market Study

2016-17 Mexican Telematics Market Study

C.J. Driscoll & Associates has released a comprehensive report on the Mexican market for telematics systems and service, including both GPS fleet tracking systems and telematics solutions for personal cars. The report concludes that the commercial telematics market in Mexico accounts for over one million units in service. While this market is very fragmented, with no single solution provider accounting for more than a 5% market share, the consumer stolen vehicle recovery (SVR) and telematics market is far more concentrated, with a few providers accounting for two-thirds of the units in service.

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2014-15 Commercial Telematics Market: China

2014-15 Commercial Telematics Market: China

C.J. Driscoll & Associates has released a comprehensive report covering the Chinese Commercial Telematics market. This is the first of a new series of C.J. Driscoll & Associates reports on Global Commercial Telematics Markets.

China has the fastest growing fleet market in the world, and one of the fastest growing commercial telematics markets. Today, over five million GPS and Beidou (BDS) tracking units are used to monitor fleet vehicles, heavy equipment and other assets. These devices include vehicle-installed units as well as location-capable smartphones and portable computers used to manage mobile workers. The report projects growth of the Chinese commercial telematics market through 2018, including units in service and revenues.

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2013-14 Survey of Fleet Operator Interest in MRM Systems and Services

2013-14 Survey of Fleet Operator Interest in MRM Systems and Services

C.J. Driscoll & Associates has released a new multi-client market research study covering interest of U.S. fleet operators in Mobile Resource Management systems and services. The 2013-14 Survey of Fleet Operator Interest in MRM Systems and Services assesses fleet operator interest in GPS fleet management systems, driver behavior management systems, and solutions for managing mobile workers with GPS-equipped handsets or other portable devices. The study also assesses use and satisfaction with MRM solutions among large and small fleets in a wide range of categories.

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2010-11 Latin American Vehicle Tracking Systems Market Study

2010-11 Latin American Vehicle Tracking Systems Market Study

C.J. Driscoll & Associates has released a comprehensive study on the Latin American market for vehicle tracking solutions, including GPS fleet tracking and consumer stolen vehicle recovery and telematics solutions. This study provides in-depth information on the vehicle tracking market in each Latin American country. The research is based on interviews conducted over a 15-month period with executives of over 100 Latin American suppliers of GPS tracking products and services.

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